Frequently Asked Questions
I’m just interested in one component of the WrkSpot platform – can I purchase just one part?
Yes the system is modular, allowing for a fully customized solution. Yes the system is modular, allowing for a fully customized solution. Hotels can access the needed functionality, and only pay for that.
My hotel is part of a large brand – will WrkSpot integrate with my PM system?
Yes Wrkspot currently integrates with multiple PS systems, including choiceAdvantage, xxx and xxx. More PMS integrations are coming online regularly.
My state (or brand) requires me to have a panic & safety solution - is the WrkSpot system compliant and will it meet the regulatory requirements?
Yes the WrkSpot solution meets or exceeds all regional, state and brand requirements for panic & safety.
Will the WrkSpot system satisfy insurance requirements for panic & safety and allow to me to pay reduced insurance premiums?
Hotel properties using the WrkSpot platform can see insurance savings of up to 12%
I own multiple properties – can I view all my properties on one dashboard?
Yes, the WrkSpot dashboards can combine multiple properties into one view, allowing for effective management of two or more locations with ease and efficiency.
Can Wrkspot actually reduce my labor costs and staffing requirements?
Yes, WrkSpot has been shown to reduce labor costs by 15- 29%, allowing hotels to run more efficiently with fewer staff.
What are the latest updates to the WrkSpot platform?
Payroll integration was introduced in the summer of 2023, allowing for easier management of timecards, administration and payroll processing.
Contactless tipping was released in the winter of 2023, allowing housekeeping staff to receive customer tips in recognition of their work. Tips appear on the manager dashboard and can be paid out via cash or payroll settlement.