Best Practices for Avoiding Compliance Headaches and Costs

As a hotel manager, you must ensure the safety of your guests, employees, and the general public. In the COVID and post-COVID era, this requires strict adherence to an ever-increasing array of regulatory compliance and legal requirements, on top of pre-existing compliance needs. Failure to comply with any of these can result in hefty fines, […]

Managing Overtime for Hotel Workers to Improve Payroll Efficiency

The cost of labor is a hotel’s single largest variable cost. How you manage your staff can increase or decrease those costs, so your operations management directly positively (or negatively) affects your margins. To complicate matters, COVID has definitely made its mark on hotel staffing, with hotels struggling to rehire as occupancy rates return to […]

The Holistic Approach To Run Your Hotel Operations

Hotels rely on people. On the employees who maintain them and the guests who stay at them. This industry is one that is contingent on the happiness and satisfaction of those who are a part of it. In a manner of trust, workers and guests depend on executives and leaders to ensure proper treatment, accountability, […]

ADA Compliance

Like OSHA, ADA compliance is of the utmost importance for hotels. Keeping up to date on the latest ADA regulations and laws can protect hotels from wasting thousands of dollars on lawsuits and fines. In addition, it serves to help maintain a healthy, reputable, and profitable working environment.

Osha Compliance Importance In The Work Place

Following the passing of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, commonly referred to as OSHA. This was done in an effort to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for men and women by setting and enforcing certain quantitative standards and by providing appropriate training, outreach, […]

Simple hospitality compliance: training documentation made easy

Simple facts: The hospitality industry must provide safe conditions for employees and guests. Hotels and similar establishments must also comply with all pertinent laws—or risk being fined. Compliance fines are a constant concern, with violations costing millions of dollars annually. 

Hotel panic button solutions: The facts & features guide for hotel managers

Hotel staff is a vital part of your operation, but the nature of their job—for housekeepers, in particular—leaves them vulnerable to dangerous situations. They may enter what they think is an empty room, only to find it occupied by an aggressive guest. You can only hope your guests treat staff respectfully, but you can never […]

Hotel laws & regulations: Staying in control of your state’s safety requirements

Even if your hotel excels in cleanliness and customer service, one crucial aspect can put a damper on even a five-star stay: failure to meet safety and compliance guidelines. This applies equally to the safety and security of staff and guests. Abiding by hotel laws and regulations elevates the guest experience, boosts staff morale, and […]

Panic regulations are nothing to panic about

WrkSpot is based in Los Angeles, so we are currently surrounded by talk of panic buttons, compliance, the search for solutions, and yes, some griping about the need to meet yet more requirements in an industry that already has so many. The new City of Los Angeles Hotel Worker Protection Ordinance (Known as the HWPO–see a […]